Friday, December 18, 2009


Halleys comet has no possible way of having life on it, because it is not a planet it is infact a comet and has an obits too fast. halleys comet can not have life becasue it does not fit theese chariteristics needed to have life:
1. it does not have any liquid water
2. it does not have any magnedic field
3. it does not have any oxigin atmostsphere
So because Halleys comet does not fit any of theese charteristics I belive this body does not carry life. So you can get rid of the thought of any alians living on this comet:

although There is a chance that there could be life in another part of the solar system. even though its understandble to be very sceptical eneladus could in fact hold life. the body is located in this very solar system (our solar system). scintiest belive that it could have life on it becasuse of the differaent terain it has on it "Unlike Mimas, Enceladus displays at least five different types of terrain. Parts of Enceladus shows craters no larger than 35 km in diameter. Other areas show regions with no craters indicating major resurfacing events in the geologically recent past. There are fissures, plains, corrugated terrain and other crustal deformations. All of this indicates that the interior of the moon may be liquid today, even though it should have frozen aeons ago." says So it could infact have liquid water on it. I am very sceptical about the planet but i do belive that there is a small chance that it could infact have life on it.

Monday, December 14, 2009



distance is mesured in 3 differant units kilometers, astronomical units, and light years. kilometers are used mostly to mesure smaller things like the diamiter of bodies. astronomical units (AU) are useually used to find the distance between two planets. light years are mostly to find out biger ranges for an example how long it takes to get from one galixy to another. The basic ratio of light years are 1 light year is equal to 9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometers or sumed up in signtific notation; 9.4605284 × 1015 kilometers

halleys comet as of now is 4,740,000,000 km away from hearth and that would take about 20 years to reach halleys comet from where it is now. Although i don,t think humans would get there because at the rate a comet is moving its distance always will change. So i don't think that humans will ever be able to land non the less go to halleys comet, but we are able to see it from earth every few years.